Welcome to The Bounce Collective
Bounce develops leaders. We help you grow your self awareness as a foundation for becoming a better leader. Then you learn how to appreciate your diverse team members and leverage the value they bring. Our approach supports and challenges people to look inside, shift perspectives, and take action.
Bounce offers practical tools, individual and group coaching, and leadership development so you can both lead and follow successfully, engage in authentic relationships, and enable your team and organization to thrive. In the complexity of our world today, we enable sustainable results.
VUCA Tools
Creating Sustainable Change
VUCA. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. The world we live in. To thrive in a VUCA world: Connect with your Values for stable ground in the volatility. Connect with others--Us (not only Me) makes uncertainty less overwhelming. Connect with Curiosity--in the face of complexity, there are gaps to fill and much to learn. Connect with your Aspirations---vision creates energy & clarity in the midst of ambiguity. Values, Us, Curiosity, and Aspirations. VUCA Tools for a VUCA World.
Read about VUCA