Living Lent - Day 6 and 7

Posted by Kelly Lewis Share Your Voice


How is it possible to be in the middle of my "a lot going on storm" and at the same time feel so ok? One word - gratitude.   Study after study has documented the impact of gratitude on our well being, our brain, and our performance.  Today, I was reminded of the very powerful and very real affect of gratitude. 

I had the honor of spending my day with three young adults from Richmond City's Adult Career Development Center and my friend Mike.  I experienced learning, relationship, courage, and commitment. 

Terek, Isis, and Dale thought I was coming to share my story and the life and leadership lessons I have run into along the way - which I enjoyed doing.  What they didn't know was that the three of them + Mike, helped me remember something I needed to turn this storm into a hurricane party.

Terek, Isis, Dale, Mike, (and Dad) - I am grateful for your curiosity, your wisdom, and your trust.  You made my day!

P.S.  Kelly, don't forget how grateful you are to have learned these lessons...maybe writing them down and sharing them with the world will keep you from having to learn them again:

  • We are stronger than we think we are.  Whatever situation we find ourselves in we can overcome if we choose to.
  • Our surroundings and environment matter and we don't have to be a product of them.
  • All it takes is one person to see the good, true, and beautiful in you.  Find that person and don't stop looking until you do.
  • Only you know what is in your heart.  Stop. Listen. Trust. Follow.

⇐ Previous Post: Living Lent - Day 6 and 7 Next Post: Living Lent - Days 8-12 ⇒

Small Kelly Lewis Hello! Here are a few things that I have found support me in creating the life I want, keeping myself in check, and leading with courage and compassion: a slow walk with my hubby and our pups, my work, honesty with myself, the smile of another, and mother nature.


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