The gift of vulnerability

Posted by Kelly Lewis Share Your Voice

Vulnerability - what I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving! Between our wrap up conversation on Tuesday and listening to a great TED talk by Brene Brown Tuesday night - it hit me! A word that helped me put language to something I had been feeling. Vulnerability - doing something where there are no guarantees, investing in a relationship that may not work out, putting yourself out there and not knowing what will happen. And wow does that description seem to sum up my life at the moment:) So I thought to myself, what if the world is offering me exactly what I need to learn about this thing called vulnerability. And what if this is giving me the permission to be consciously incompetent at being vulnerable? And what if in these moments of vulnerability a powerful choice became available? A choice (which I am beginning to think is really a practice) to let go of who I think I should be and be who I actually am.

On that note, I will leave you with a question to ponder this weekend. What if your classrooms and your students is the worlds way of offering you exactly what you want/need to learn about. And what if you saw this as the permission to be consciously incompetent while you practice playing with new choices you want to make in your leadership, life, relationships, etc?



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