The grip of expectations and the power of intentions

Posted by Kelly Lewis Share Your Voice

"What has been up for me this week?"...the question I am asking myself at the moment. And it seems as though the distinction between wanting and expecting (are you seeing the trend here:)) is taking first place:

In closing circle hearing Cheryl's story about her IB and Zone students, "IB should be able to build a tower" (expecting) and Alicia's experience that getting clear about what she wanted to focus on before heading into the classroom allowed her greater comfort and confidence (wanting).

In my Tuesday morning yoga class listening to my instructor say "let go of where you think you should be (expecting) and be in the pose exactly where you are.

In a coaching conversation when my amazing client said, "It all comes down to intentions for me"

A current relationship of mine, "I have been lost in the expectation (expecting) and the feeling of confusion and frustration that comes with it. And now I see that a better, more enjoyable way for me is to allow myself to want what I want while also allowing how that happens to unfold (wanting) and being ok that it may never happen. And I see it requires a different level of trust, patience, faith, and vulnerability."

I have been noticing one difference between the two are an attachment to the outcome - with an expectation I am attached to one right answer - with a want (or an intention) I am open to all the different answers. So here I sit noticing, wondering (When do my expectations serve me, those I lead, those I love and when do they get in the way? What is the value and what is the downside?) and listening to our friend Ben Zander's voice play his music in my heart ("Intentions are possibilities to live into while expectations are standards to live up to").



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