"The Soul of Leadership"

Posted by Kelly Lewis Share Your Voice

I just caught the Wall Street Journal Review on one of the local Sunday morning shows here at the river.

They were speaking with Deepak Chopra, a spiritual leader in the field of human empowerment, on his new book "The Soul of Leadership". After listening to the seven minute segment and seeing the connections between what he was saying and what Bounce does in the world, I was curious to learn more so I downloaded his new book onto my Kindle (I love my new Kindle:)).

Chopra offers a simple framework (LEADERS) that I believe is true and powerful and takes commitment, discipline, and daily practice to realize:

L - Look and Listen: Look and listen to what is happening around you and within you
E - Emotional Bonding: It is all about relationships
A - Awareness: Be conscious of your impact on others
D - Doing: Dream and Do; leadership is action oriented
E - Empowerment: Allowing those around you to find their own power
R - Responsibility: Taking ownership for everyone's personal growth
S - Synchronicity: Unseen intelligence that puts you in the right place at the right time



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