The Art of Possibility-- A MUST Read!

Posted by Nicki Peasley Share Your Voice

Here at Bounce, Benjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander are emotional intelligence superheroes! In their bestselling book, The Art of Possibility, they inspire and empower readers with 12 practices that have the capactiy to transform how we live, love, and lead.  Here's a taste of their wisdom (straight from the book)...

  The Art of Possibility (Zander, Rosamund Stone and Zander, Benjamin; Harvard Business School Press, 2000)

1)  It’s all Invented

Every problem only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view.  Enlarge the box and new opportunities appear.What assumption am I making that I’m not aware I’m making that gives me what I see?What might I now invent that I haven’t yet invented that would give me other choices?

2) The Universe of Possibility

The world of measurement is where there are scarcities of time, money, power, love—this is a world of hierarchies—comparing/contrasting.  The universe of possibility is where relationships are highlighted—joy, grace, awe, wholeness, passion, compassion—in this world, we forget ourselves and become part of all being.  True inquiry:  how are my thoughts and actions at this moment reflections of the measurement world—how can I shift to the world of possibility?

3) Giving an A

“Inside every block of stone dwells a beautiful statue—one need only remove the excess material to reveal the work of art within.”  (Michelangelo)—the practice of chipping away to find the leader within is giving an A—transporting us from the world of measurement to the world of possibility.  When we give an A, we relate to others from a place of respect that gives them room to realize themselves as works of art.  The A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into. 

4) Being a Contribution

Inventing a new “dinner table/classroom game”  Instead of, “what did you achieve today?” we ask, “How were you a contribution today?”  When we affirm that “I am a contribution,” we shift our focus from self concern to relationship.  We are leaders when we view our work as a contribution vs. an arena for success.

5) Leading from any Chair

--no small parts/only small actors—all of us ARE meaningful contributions

6) Don’t Take Yourself so Seriously

--Lightening up and shifting from the world of measurement into the world of possibility--We come to know ourselves as the personality we get recognition for—“the calculating self”—when we peel the layers of the calculating self, we find our “central self” (true you)

7) The Way Things Are

Avoid using the word “should;” practice substituting “but” with “and” -- shifting our language launches us out of downward spiral talk and into the world of possibility.

8) Giving Way to Passion

Participate—open up and dance your passion with the world!

9)  Lighting a Spark

When we issue an invitation and hear “no,” we can instead hear, “I don’t see a spark of possibility here so I think I’ll stick with my usual way of doing things.”  That is an invitation for enrollment, for us to share our passion and ignite another with the excitement of possibility.  We operate on the premise that everyone wants to be enrolled—even if they don’t realize it yet.

10) Being the Board

In this game of life, we are not just one of the pieces that move around the board—we are the board—we invented the game.  So that when something happens, we don’t blame, feel victimized, enter the world of measurement—instead we say “how did this get on the board that I am.”  Instead of focusing on what was done or not done, when you name yourself as the board, you turn your attention to repairing the breakdown in the relationship.

11) Creating Frameworks for Possibility

The concept of vision—illustrates leadership where harmony sets the tone, not division or competition.  We must look at conflicts as simply “getting off track” and then we can refocus our attention on our vision to get back on track.

12)  Telling the WE story

--reclaiming “the other” as one of us.  We recognize that the human being is never the enemy—revenge, pride, greed, fear, etc. are the “monsters” that sit on our shoulders and must be identified as inhuman forces that are separate from our goodness.   When we can embrace this notion, WE come together to create possibility.

Want more?  Check out Benjamin Zander on youtube! 






































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Small Nicki Peasley I am the CEO of my home, managing a team consisting of a 40 year old, an 11 year old, an 8 year old, and a 6 year old. In my spare time, I am the YOUth development director for Bounce, writing curriculums and working (playing and learning) with elementary and middle school youth.


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