The Truth About Middle School

Posted by Nicki Peasley Share Your Voice


At Moody Middle School, 1000 students and their teachers are experiencing a values based, emotional approach to leadership development through a Bounce curriculum entitled, "Living Learning and Leading in the 21st Century."    Today, 20 Henrico High School students returned to the halls they once walked, to share their middle school experiences with 6th graders.

"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple." (Oscar Wilde).  This was the quote that set the tone for a candid discussion of middle school challenges and truths.  The high school students shared openly about the peaks and valleys of their days at Moody.  There were  success stories of making choices driven by  one's true self.... and stories that illustrated regret over behavior not aligned with one's values. These amazing young people brought their best selves to this experience and beautifully reinforced that becoming who you are and learning how to navigate challenges begins with identifying core personal values.  When we can live, learn and lead from that place, our relationships with ourselves, with others, and with the world are easier and more joyful.

Thank you, Henrico High Leaders, for courageously contributing yourselves to this effort.  We made an impact...together. 

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Small Nicki Peasley I am the CEO of my home, managing a team consisting of a 40 year old, an 11 year old, an 8 year old, and a 6 year old. In my spare time, I am the YOUth development director for Bounce, writing curriculums and working (playing and learning) with elementary and middle school youth.


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