What does it really take to make change work?
Posted by Kelly Lewis Share Your Voice
We love this recent Forbes post by John Kotter, Change Leadership: The Biggest Mistake I See, Strategy First, Urgency Second
He explains how change is as much of a heart process as it is a head process: "And then that process breaks down because from day one it involves too few people and becomes too cerebral, and to make something big happen you’ve got to have a lot of people in it, they’ve got to want to do it and it’s got to be both a head and a heart process, because the heart provides the energy to make something big—a big leap—happen. Strategy versus the problem is what we’ve all been taught, and very very smart and capable people do it all the time."
If you think about it we were taught to turn to our heads yet we naturally and intuitively want turn to our hearts. n
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Kelly Lewis Hello! Here are a few things that I have found support me in creating the life I want, keeping myself in check, and leading with courage and compassion: a slow walk with my hubby and our pups, my work, honesty with myself, the smile of another, and mother nature.
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