Emotionally Intelligent Email? Really?
Posted by Ann Deaton Share Your Voice
I've known for a long time about the potential dangers of email. And a great little article by Travis Bradberry today reminded me of how hazardous email really is AND what we can do about it. It turns out that, according to Bradberry, we now rely more on email than most other forms of not-in-person communication, including the phone. And yet, we are often not mindful of the emotional tone and potential negative impact of our email communications. That's where emotional intelligence comes in. When we are aware of our own strong emotions, we can choose to manage them effectively (the self awareness and self management aspects of emotional intelligence). AND when we are conscious of how another might feel, and committed to maintaining the positive quality of our relationships (the awareness of others and relationship managements of emotional intelligence), then we can choose to craft our email communications in a way that serves to maintain and maybe even grow the relationship.
I won't steal Bradberry's thunder by sharing his five strategies for creating more emotionally intelligent email communication. You can read his strategies yourself by clicking on the link above. I encourage you to use all five when you next find yourself getting ready to send an email when you know you don't have a handle on your emotions.
Meanwhile, during this election season in the US, there are some pretty powerfully negative political commercials on the tube. I think I'll go in search of an article about emotional intelligence in political campaigning. I'll let you know what I find.
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Ann Deaton I am a leadership coach, and Managing Partner in Bounce. I love to coach and facilitate with individuals and systems experiencing significant change and growth. The clients I work with, regardless of their age or position, are talented and creative individuals willing to look with fresh eyes at their challenges and opportunities, and to take action based on their discoveries. As a result, they find that they are capable of accomplishing far greater things than they ever imagined. What do you want to accomplish today? Who do you want to be?
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