Supporting Each Other in Grieving
Posted by Ann Deaton Share Your Voice

Richmond's first ever Grief Summit on Thursday was a community affair, attracting over 200 listeners who wanted to share and understand grief better. Co-sponsored by Comfort Zone Camp, the Full Circle Grief Center, and Bon Secours Bereavement Services, the program featured three panelists sharing their very personal losses and the impact. Facilitating the conversation was grief expert Maria Trozzi, Director of the Good Grief Program in Boston. Together, the four of them mesmerized the audience, demonstrating pointedly how essential it is that individuals receive prolonged support and understanding long after the initial loss. We all cried to hear some of their stories, and we also found laughter in our community of learning and support. We all left quite a bit more conscious of how precious each day is.
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Ann Deaton
I am a leadership coach, and Managing Partner in Bounce. I love to coach and facilitate with individuals and systems experiencing significant change and growth. The clients I work with, regardless of their age or position, are talented and creative individuals willing to look with fresh eyes at their challenges and opportunities, and to take action based on their discoveries. As a result, they find that they are capable of accomplishing far greater things than they ever imagined. What do you want to accomplish today? Who do you want to be?
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