The Need for Mature Leaders

Posted by Nicki Peasley Share Your Voice


Harvard Business Review blogger, Richard Davis, is tired of the '"sandbox leadership" that has infiltrated the halls of our government and our corporate boardrooms.   Arrogance, pouting, tantrums, personal attacks, and betrayal of trust are  behaviors too common among our leaders.  

Davis defines maturity as "experience driven perspective and awareness of one's emotional triggers." He declares that the best leaders are masters of their emotions-- which requires awareness and action.  He implores leaders to:

1)  Know your triggers (recognize what events and situations evoke your emotional reactions).

2) Establish a personal board of directors (people to whom you can vent and who you trust to provide honest feedback).

3) Define your personal code (your core beliefs about work and life for the sake of your own awareness and sharing with others).

Learn more in this insightful HBR post.

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Small Nicki Peasley I am the CEO of my home, managing a team consisting of a 40 year old, an 11 year old, an 8 year old, and a 6 year old. In my spare time, I am the YOUth development director for Bounce, writing curriculums and working (playing and learning) with elementary and middle school youth.


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