"You Shall Know Them By Their Sparks."
Posted by Nicki Peasley Share Your Voice
Benson dedicated his life to youth development and the "science of human thriving." Thriving that begins with the identification of one's spark, that which gives meaning and purpose to life. It might be a skill or a talent; a commitment; or a personal quality.
Guiding Benson's work was the belief that "youth are not vessels to be filled, but fires to be lit." And to light the fire of a young person, we must nurture their development from the inside out-- rather than the outside in. We must, quite simply, honor their spark. In his research, Benson discovered that only one quarter of our youth are on a pathway to human thriving. Why? Because adults have not taken the time to truly see our youth and recognize their capacity to impact the world.
"What are our dreams for our children?" Rarely do we answer in the language of performance, but in the language of thriving. We want joy and purpose and love for our children-- not a perfect score on the standardized math test. Yet in our conversations with young people, too often we focus on the outside-- on worldly influences like drugs, sex, violence, pressure. What if we were to focus on the inside?
Benson offers a practical guide to helping children succeed, a guide based in his "Thriving Formula:"
Spark + 3 Champions + Opportunity.
1) Ask a child about his spark.
2) Be his champion, seeing him and honoring him.
3) Provide him the opportunity to live his spark and impact the world with his unique brilliance.
Thank you, Peter Benson, for your passion, your vision, and the legacy of wisdom you have left behind. Your spark will live on....
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Nicki Peasley
I am the CEO of my home, managing a team consisting of a 40 year old, an 11 year old, an 8 year old, and a 6 year old. In my spare time, I am the YOUth development director for Bounce, writing curriculums and working (playing and learning) with elementary and middle school youth.
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